Fidel Castro and Ernest Hemingway were not friends
It is a common conceit that Fidel Castro and Ernest Hemingway were friends.
By Larry Daley
It is a common conceit[1] that Fidel Castro and Ernest Hemingway were friends. The photograph[2] of the two together after a sail fish fishing competition May 12 to 15th of 1960 at the Miramar Yatch Club[3] which Castro “won” is usually cited as evidence of this. This is the official Cuban government take on the matter, and all other opinions are suppressed.[4] Cuban archives are only commonly made available to those believed to be sympathetic to that government.[5] One notes that the present Cuban government achieves a considerable profit from the Hemingway trade.[6]
Castro had never fished sailfish before and he was accompanied by Ernesto Ché Guevara, Celia Sánchez, the boat’s captain Julio Arocha, Manuel Bell Gorgas (commonly known as Blakamán[7]), a game fishing instructor from the Industria Nacional de la Industria Turistica (INIT), who was a member of the Castro team.[8] This last source reports that some experienced fishermen were “amazed” at Castro’s beginner’s luck. Hemingway’s sail-fishing boat “Pilar”[9] was usually kept in the tiny
It is widely stated that Mary Hemingway, Hemingway’s fourth wife and widow, donated his property to
Meyers states that Hemingway’s property was officially confiscated after his death.[13] However, Meyers also notes that Hemingway long feared that this would happen, despite the support that he had given Castro.[14] Myers, seemingly over looks the story “The Shot” and its significance in this regard, although he does mention others of similar title.
These fears of confiscation were very rational. Hemingway left
This left private property rights in great jeopardy as the Cuban authorities became more and more aggressive and greedy[21]. It slowly became clear that the Castro government, following its own interpretation of marxist[22] guidelines wanted possession of everything.[23] All this is consistent with the fact that Hemingway left most of his property, books and papers in
As Hemingway must have known before he left
Hemingway’s professional code was not always ethical.[27] And much of what Hemingway wrote, often horrendous in its callousness and betrayal,[28] is taken from real life.[29] For instance: Jesus Enrique Lister Forján[30] [31] is one of the three “peasant leaders” referred to by the character “Robert Jordan” in Ernest Hemingway’s for “For Whom the Bell Tolls.[32]”
Strangely enough Spanish and
Arrozarena’s date [39] for the arrival of a Basque contingent in
One notes with interest that this Hemingway novel’s protagonist “Robert Jordan’s” grandfather is said to have fought in the U.S. Civil War. This may well refer to the Confederate General Thomas Jordan, a former U.S. Army officer who became a Confederate colonel, and started an embryonic spy network in
The suicide of “Robert Jordan’s” father, as well as that of Hemingway’s own father[44], resembles that of great grandfather Major General Calixto Garcia’s (Calixto Enamorado’s father) own attempt at suicide to avoid capture.[45] [46] In support of this one notes Hemingway’s familiarity with
General Garcia’s magnificent, twice life size and then new, equestrian statue showing the scar of the general’s attempted suicide to escape capture, was commissioned to
The Hemingway story “The Shot[51],” as pointed out previously by others,[52] has hallmark descriptions of killings attributed to Fidel Castro. This short story seems to be amalgamation of several of these killings certainly including that of Manuel (Manolo) Castro del Campo, a government official unrelated to Fidel Castro Ruz, and probably that of Oscar Fernández Caral.[53] Fernández Caral, who had proclaimed himself as witness to the Manolo Castro murder was promptly murdered by Castro and his colleagues.[54] [55]
Although Manolo Castro had a violent past[56] [57] Hemingway was no stranger to violence and violent people, and found such people sources of inspiration.[58] Thus, Hemingway found such as some of his friends and fellow authors descriptions of Kenneth Tynman’s disgust at visit to his restaurant table by executioner Herman Marks[59] [60] merely amusing.[61]
Manolo Castro, had been close enough to Hemingway to allow this author to referee a boxing match held President Grau’s time in the main arena of
Hemingway, although offering public support to Castro, privately feared the loss of his property (see above) and was loyal to the
This Hemingway short story starts:
“We were finishing lunch by the swimming pool. It was a hot day for
“I didn’t see these two Negroes[68] until they were by the table where it was set under the arbor to be in the shade. I had been watching the reflection of the bamboos and the
“One was very big and tough with a face I remembered.[69] The other was his guardaspaldas. That is the man who keeps you from being shot in the back. He doesn’t have to big, very big and he is always a little behind and he turns his head like a pitcher watching a man on first with no one out. Guardaspaldas, it is usually shortened to that, get the same kind of neck that pitchers[70] get and that fighter pilots are afflicted with if they stay alive if there is a real fighter opposition in the air.”
“This man, who looked like an oversized Joe Walcott, had a letter to me. It was from himself. He was a little hot, it seemed, and he needed to go to a certain
“This friend who had been shot had been a beautiful backfield man on the local university team. He was a fine quarterback and he could play halfback. He (Manolo Castro) was director of sports of the republic when he died.[76] No one has ever been punished for the killing. This friend of mine was supposed to be a little triggery; but I never heard of him killing the wrong people. Anyway, when they killed him he had thirty-five cents, no money in any banks, and he was unarmed.”
“So what this man, who claimed to be his friend, and whose face I remembered, needed was $500. I told him it was two. I hope he doesn’t get falsely accused of anything before he emigrates.”
“So with a background of this sort of shooty-shooty, I’m going to write 2,000 words about an antelope hunt where you kill one antelope that can’t shoot back. …”…
Unfortunately for Hemingway, Castro apparently recognized himself, despite the “blackface,” in the story and being an unforgiving long long memoried sort[77], probably enjoyed taking the house at La Vigia. However, Castro always cautious never revealed publicly anything in this regard. Whether this loss of Hemingway’s beloved residence, manuscripts and papers contributed to his suicide can only be speculated.
Castro’s propagandists continue to cover up the confiscation of La Vigía, (see footnote 4), alleging the Hemingway residence was a “donation to the revolution.” The basis for this claim is that Hemingway’s widow Mary was forced to sign papers in this regard in return for being allowed to gather a few items from the house (see footnote 7).
Larry Daley, copyright@2006
Agencia de Noticias Xinhua de China 2006 (accessed 12-4-06) Celebran en Cuba aniversario de Comités de Defensa de la Revolución, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de China September 29, 2006 “Constituidos el 28 de septiembre de 1960, los CDR surgieron en respuesta al reclamo popular de unirse para enfrentar los continuos ataques, sabotajes e intentos por detener la revolución que triunfó el 1 de enero de 1959”
Aguila, Arnoldo 2003 (accessed 11-3-06) Fidel explica porqué asesinó y condenó. “...según otros testigos de una parte que no pude oír, se refirió a los fusilados como "tres negritos",,,,”
Andrew, Christopher and Oleg Gordievsky 1990. KGB: The Inside Story.
Anonymous (accessed
Arencibia Cardoso, Pedro Pablo 2005 (accessed 10-24-06) ¡Fidel, el peor de todos ! Cuba Democracia y Vida 20-10-2005 “Una digresión: yo no comparto el criterio de que Fidel estaba en el grupo ejecutor que mató a Manolo Castro, que ya no estaba en la Universidad y era un alto funcionario vinculado al Deporte, aunque sí es muy posible que haya estado vinculado a esa acción. El crimen del sargento de la policía universitaria, por ser un testigo indeseado de ese asesinato, y el intento de matar a Leonel Acosta, que había sido presidente del Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza de La Habana, al que le disparó por la espalda, son solo algunas misiones que, a mi entender, llevó a cabo el muchachón teniendo detrás a la banda a la que pertenecía y en la que él era sencilla y solamente un sicario; a su vez el usó a la banda para ganarse el respeto y la fama de un tipo de ACCION ( ¡un tipo duro!, diríamos hoy, pero esa era la palabra que se usaba en esa época) así como tener cuidada sus espaldas. Sobre el asesinato de Manolo Castro y del sargento de la policía universitaria (asesinato ocurrido delante del hijo de la víctima) y otras acciones” ...” El otro suceso conocido, es el asesinato de Oscar Fernández Caral, masacrado a tiros frente a su hogar, y que aun con vida, le dijo a los presente que Fidel Castro fue el que le disparó.”
Arrozarena, Cecilia 2003 El Roble y la Ceiba, Historia de los Vascos en Cuba. Editorial Txalaparta, Tafalla, “Nafarroa” Spain ISBN 848136357X p. 366 “Poco después triunfar de la revolución de Fidel Castro el pidió a Enrique Lister, en el mas estricto secreto, el envío de técnicos españoles. Éramos 24 quienes formábamos aquella primera (sic) y singular expedición, la mayoría matrimonios de niños de guerra. El 31 de junio de 1961 llegamos a las isla tras pasar por Praga, donde nos dieron documentos y identidades falsas, como si fuésemos turistas cubanos…”
Ash, Paul 2006 Communication to Army talk. Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 03:38:42 -0800 (PST) From: Paul Ash Reply-To: To: Subject: [ArmyTalk] Re: Cuba Dustup on BBC World Service Today ….Ja, my great uncle lived in Cuba from the early Thirties and rose to quite a senior position on the Cuban railways….When he retired in 1954, he invested his pension and savings into a motel at a place called Gaspar, midway between Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Life was pretty good for him and his Cuban wife, and their little herd of cows…..When Castro took over, the first thing the government took was the motel (they let him and Caterina live on in one of the rooms). Then they took his cows, except one, and most of the land. Finally they confiscated his Toyota Land Cruiser, so he bought a horse and named it "Toyota"….In the end he was reduced to relying on my grandfather here in Jo'burg for monthly supplies of Oxo stock tablets, writing paper, powdered soup, glaucoma medicine, eye ointment, toothpaste ... The parcels would take months to arrive and were routinely pillaged before they got to him….He bore this with great humour and loved Cuba until the day he died ... two days after he relented to pressure from his daughter in Miami who had arranged an exit permit for him and Caterina….Amidst all of this, he was stupified that South Africa had a legally-sanctioned system of discrimination. He just could not understand it. Cheers Paul
Bianchi Ross, Ciro 2005 (accessed 12-3-06) Palmacristazo Juventud Rebelde Domingo, 3 de abril del 2005 G o o g l e's cache of “El monumento a Calixto García, a la entrada de la calle, frente al Malecón, es de mucho realce. Sobre un pedestal de granito negro de Los Andes se alza su estatua ecuestre, en bronce, y el héroe, en traje de campaña y descubierta la cabeza, aparece en actitud de arengar a su tropa. Frente al pedestal se aprecia el escudo de la República. El lugar donde se emplaza imita una antigua fortaleza. Lo rodea un muro de piedra que en su parte interior, y a lo largo de 36 pies, lleva 24 bajorrelieves de bronce con representaciones de los episodios culminantes de la vida de Calixto, y entre ellos, el mapa con sus campañas militares. La estatua del General es de doble tamaño del natural. El monumento es obra de los norteamericanos Weldon y Peets y se inauguró en 1959. Su primera piedra se colocó dos años antes. Costó unos 300 000 pesos.”
Brudevold-Newman, Ben 2006 (accessed
Cabrera Infante, Guillermo interviewed by Marie-Lise Gazarian Gautier 1980 and 1984, in New York (accessed 10-24-06) An Interview with Guillermo Cabrera Infante. Interviews with Latin American Writers by Marie-Lise Gazarian Gautrier. Dalkey Archive Press, “GCI: This is a typically violent episode from that capitalist democratic period, 1947 and 1948, involving various so-called revolutionary student groups. It is an extraordinary occurrence because the head of the Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios (FEU) (Federation of University Students), Manolo Castro, was killed. This assassination is recounted by Hemingway in one of his famous articles. He used it as the beginning of a piece in which he went on to relate how he hunted antelopes in Idaho or something like that. Hemingway said (Manolo) Castro had been a very honest man because he had died with thirty-two cents in his pocket. He was indeed an honest person, but he had also engaged in violent acts. The group who decided to kill him was the same to which Fidel Castro belonged, the UIR. So there is a great probability that one of the men who murdered Manolo Castro was Fidel Castro, because the leader of the UIR had a very macabre sense of humor. For instance, if the UIR had been after someone for years, they would leave a note on the dead body saying, “Justice is slow, but it comes.” This was the trademark of the UIR. So the fact that one Castro should kill another probably appealed to the dark sense of humor of the UIR’s leader, although it was never conclusively proven that Fidel Castro was one of the killers, only that he knew when the murder was going to occur, and that he was a member of that group. And the reference to “he who had to die” indicates that Manolo Castro had been on the UIR’s death list for quite some time.”
Calvo, Ricardo E. 2002 (accessed 10-5-06) Pensamientos sobre la propiedad privada en la reconstruccion de Cuba. Guaracabuya. “En Mayo de 1959 se creo el INRA (Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria) al firmarse la Ley de Reforma Agraria a traves de la cual solo se permite "poseer" (lease usufructo) un maximo de 30 caballerias de tierra. Cualquier cantidad por encima de esa cifra paso a manos del Estado sin compensacion….. La inviolabilidad del domicilio paso a las paginas de la historia ya que toda y cada una de las residencias eran propiedad del Estado.”
CIA 1961 (accessed 9-11-6) Report on Cuban military potential and internal conditions in Cuba by 30th of n Abstract: Pages:0010 Pub Date: 11/28/1961 Release Date8/31/2001 Case Number: F-1982-00782 By November , although there was strong resistance in Escambray, Castro army and militia strength (exceeds 200,000) and number of repression operatives (50,000) including 25,000 members of “International Brigades”, had increased enormously
Coca, César 2005 (accessed 10-31-06)La historia más triste de Hemingway. Panorama La Verdad Digital 5/05/2005, “Luego, con Mary, se (Valerie Danby-Smith) fue a Cuba, con objeto de catalogar y recuperar cuanto de valor había en Finca Vigía. La casa había sido cedida por el escritor al pueblo cubano. Mary recurrió a Castro para conseguir los permisos para llevarse a EE UU los cuadros y objetos de gran valor que había en la casa. El comandante le dijo que no habría problema, pero pocos días después llegó una funcionaria que les comunicó que todo era propiedad del Estado cubano y ni siquiera Castro podía cambiar la ley. Así que tuvieron que sacar todo de allí de forma ilegal.”
Cuban Government 1959 (accessed 11-3-06) Ley Fundamental de 1959 (7 de febrero de 1959) “En los casos de expropiaciones forzosas que se realizaren para llevar a efecto la Reforma Agraria y el consiguiente reparto de tierras, no será imprescindible que el pago previo de las indemnizaciones sea en efectivo. La Ley podrá establecer otros medios de pago, siempre que reúnan las garantías necesarias…Artículo 25.- No podrá imponerse la pena de muerte. Se exceptúan los casos de los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas, de los cuerpos represivos de la Tiranía, de los grupos auxiliares organizados por ésta, de los grupos armados privadamente organizados para defenderla y de los confidentes, por delitos cometidos en pro de la instauración o defensa de la Tiranía derrocada el 31 de diciembre de 1958. También se exceptúan las personas culpables de traición o de subversión de orden constitucional o de espionaje en favor del enemigo en tiempo de guerra con nación extranjera”
Daley, Larry communication to Robert Solera Date: Sat,
Cc: Larry Daley
Daley, MS (accessed
Díaz Escrich, José Miguel 2000 (accessed
Enamorado, Calixto 1917 Tiempos. Heroicos Persecucion. Rambla, Bauza and Company, Havana.
Fernandez, Frank (interviewed by Larry Gambone) 1997 An interview with a Cuban Anarchist. In: ANY TIME NOW 6, 7, Fragment from “At the beginning of the Revolution, 1959-60, some were detained and let go. Augustin Souchy was in Havana in those days and in a conversation with Abelardo Iglesias, Manuel de la Mata Manuel de la Mata and Salvador Garcia, all members of the CNT-FAI during the Spanish Revolution, told his comrades of the recent visit to Cuba by "old friends" from the Spanish and Italian Communist Party, Enrique Lister and the infamous Vittorio Vidale, invited by the Castro regime. Souchy warned them of the inevitable persecution from the new secret police in which Lister and Vidale were involved. The CNT comrades were involved in certain "counter-revolutionary" activities and with the experience of
FOIA Log Freedom of Information 2005 (accessed 10-24-06) “18-Oct-05 F-2006-00056 Manuel de Castro (Del Campo) Aka Manolo Castro; Fidel Castro with the Insurrectional Revolutionary Union (UIR); Miguel Murciano and other Cubans ”
Furiati, Claudia (Rosa S. Corgatelli, translator) 2003 Fidel Castro La historia me absolverá.
Garcia Iñiguez, Calixto Obituary Harper’s Weekly, December 24, 1898 p. 1263
García Márquez, Gabriel (accessed 12-4-06) Hemingway, el nuestro. Prolog to Norberto Fuentes “Hemingway en Cuba” “Pero la obra mayor iba a ser el esperpento neoclásico del Capitolio Nacional --copiado piedra por piedra del Capitolio de Washington--, en cuya cantera trabajaba un picapedrero llamado Enrique Lister, que años más tarde sería uno de los generales legendarios de la Guerra Civil Española.”
Gatti, José María 2002 Tantas veces me mataron Radar|Domingo, 17 de Marzo de 2002 “Zoé Valdés, la narradora cubana que escribió toda su obra en el exterior de la isla, sintetiza así la relación: “Hemingway odiaba a Batista y Castro le era poco simpático. A Castro, Hemingway le parecía un buen escritor, pero se cansó de decir que era un yanqui cagón”. Más allá de lo anecdótico, es sabido que Hemingway guardaba por Castro un marcado rencor por la muerte de Manolo Castro, su amigo personal desde la época de la Guerra Civil Española. La historia se remonta al año 1946. Por entonces Fidel era un joven estudiante que buscaba apoyo para convertirse en líder de la Escuela de Leyes de La Habana. Tratando de lograr un acercamiento con Manuel Castro, se pelea con Leonel Gómez, un dirigente estudiantil de las Escuelas Secundarias opositor a Manolo Castro. Fidel hiere a Leonel de un balazo en el abdomen, pero éste milagrosamente se salva. Y Manolo Castro, lejos de apoyar el gesto, le manda un mensaje a Fidel a través de José de Jesús Ginjaume: “Dile a ese tipo que no voy a apoyar a un mierda para presidente de Derecho”. Sin sustento de Manolo Castro y Rolando Masferrer, otro veterano de la Guerra Civil Española, Castro veía desvanecer su intención de incorporarse al Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario (MSR), por eso se acerca a José de Jesús Ginjaume (anticomunista y paracaidista durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial) y a Emilio Tro, otro personaje siniestro que lo protege y perdona por su malograda pelea con Rolando Masferrer. Poco después ocurriría el asesinato de Emilio Tro (el 15 de setiembre de 1947) y la muerte de Manolo Castro (el 22 de febrero de 1948), cuando un grupo de malhechores de la UIR serían los encargados de acribillarlo a balazos en una calle de La Habana Vieja. Lo concreto es que Fidel no mató a Manolo, pero Hemingway siempre le atribuyó la autoría intelectual. Nunca pudieron aclarar el entredicho. Lo más probable es que ninguno de los dos hubiera dado el brazo a torcer. A Castro no le pareció oportuno tratar el tema en el único encuentro que tuvieron y “Papa”, reconocido soberbio, jamás hubiera tomado la iniciativa. Pero como respuesta a su descreimiento, Hemingway escribió “The shot”, un relato donde recurre a su conocida técnica de utilizar a personas de la vida real y enmascararlas literariamente (en este caso, el asesino del cuento era fácilmente reconocible como Fidel).”
Gente Magazine Staff 1958 (accessed
Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto 1980 The Dictatorship of Rhetoric/the Rhetoric of Dictatorship: Carpentier, Garcia Marquez, and Roa Bastos. Latin American Research Review, Vol. 15, No. 3 (1980), pp. 205-228 “For example, the assassination of Manolo Castro is retold by alluding to Hemingway's "The Shot,…"”
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Hemingway, Ernest 1938 The denunciation. In: The complete short Stories of Ernest Hemingway1987. Charles Scribner’s Sons,
Hemingway, Ernest 1940 Reprint edition (July 1, 1995) For Whom the Bell Tolls. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York ISBN 0684803356
Hemingway, Ernest 1951 The Shot. True the men’s magazine. April 1951. pp. 25-28.
Joven Club (accessed 11-3-06) Se aprueba la ley de Reforma Urbana [14/10/1960]. efemerides
Koch, Stephen 2005 The Breaking Point: Hemingway, Dos Passos, and the Murder of Jose Robles. Counterpoint Press (Perseus Books Group),
Kowalski, Daniel (accessed
La Pipa De Hemingway Tuesday, August 01, 2006 Comandante Hemingway, "Papá" Castro 2006 (accessed 10-24-06) “Castro comenzó a mirar su sombra. Después de cuarenta y siete años en el poder debió ceder el mando. Los opositores llaman a esto "solución biológica". Los amigos "un malestar temporario a causa del stress". Fidel Castro y Ernest Hemingway nunca fueron amigos. La historia se ha encargado de resaltar las afinidades entre ambos, pero lo cierto es que solamente se encontraron una vez: el 15 de mayo de 1960. Ese día Fidel fue invitado al Torneo Anual de Pesca de La Habana. Debía ser el juez, pero insistió en competir. Resultado: ganó el trofeo.En el momento en que lo fotografiaron juntos, le confesó a Hemingway su admiración. La fotografía recorrerría todo el mundo como ícono de la revolución. Pero la realidad es otra. Hemingway guardaba por Castro un marcado rencor por la muerte de Manolo Castro, su amigo personal desde la época de la Guerra Civil Española. El 22 de mayo de 1948, un grupo de matones acribilló a balazos en una calle de La Habana Vieja a Manolo Castro. Lo concreto es que Fidel no mató a Manolo, pero Hemingway siempre le atribuyó la autoría intelectual. En privado, Hemingway culpaba a Fidel del asesinato. En cuanto a Fidel, admiraba la literatura de Hemingway, pesó se cansó de decir que era un yanqui cagón. Hoy Hemingway pertenece a la historia. Castro todavía está para contarla.” posted by LA PIPA DE HEMINGWAY @ 2:16 PM 0 comments links to this post
León, Ismael 2001 (accessed 11-3-06) Hemingway navega de nuevo El primer ministro compite y gana (1960) Punto de Vista Places contest between May 12 to 15th of 1960 at the Club Náutico Internacional de La Habana but the prize was awarded at the Miramar yatch Club. “Lo acompañaban a bordo sus antiguos compañeros de la guerrilla, Ernesto Ché Guevara y Celia Sánchez, el patrón Julio Arocha y Manuel Bell Gorgas (commonly known as Blakamán), a funcionario del departamento de Caza y Pesca del INIT y compañero de equipo del Primer Ministro. Como las reglas de entonces exigían que los competidores fueran miembros de un club, el Cristal fue adscrito a la flota de la Asociación de los Amigos del Mar….En la prueba de apertura, el Premier ganó -con dos agujas- el trofeo concedido por el Miramar Yacht Club al segundo lugar en puntuación individual. Lo superó ese día M. A. Escoto y lidereó por equipos el Club Náutico Internacional de La Habana. Después de una jornada de receso, reanudan la competencia el sábado 14 y Castro engancha otras dos agujas. Algunos concursantes de larga trayectoria se asombraban de que el jefe de gobierno, un principiante en la pesca mayor, pudiera usar indistintamente las líneas del número 15 y las más finas, del número 9, y tuviera con ambas el mismo éxito.” “Algunos concursantes de larga trayectoria se asombraban de que el jefe de gobierno, un principiante en la pesca mayor, pudiera usar indistintamente las líneas del número 15 y las más finas, del número 9, y tuviera con ambas el mismo éxito…. Después de la premiación, el Primer Ministro cubano y el escritor Ernest Hemingway tuvieron en Barlovento la única conversación de su vida.”
Longacre, Edward G. 2002 (accessed
Lozano Moreno, Susana 2001 (accessed 10-31-06) Textos e imágenes de la generación perdida. La adaptación cinematográfica: de Hemingway a Furthman, Faulkner y Hawks. “Memoria”Universidad Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Facultad de Filología Complutense de Madrid. PhD Thesis. p. 300 Footnote cxl
Mascareñas, Dolly 2006 The Raúl I know. Time 168 (7) August 16, 2006 pp. 40-43. “she (Lina Ruz, Fidel Castro’s mother L.D.) met the revolutionaries at the door…”
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Montaner, Carlos Alberto 1999 Viaje al corazón de Cuba Journey to the Heart of Cuba. Plaza & Janés Spanish at English translation Algora Publishing, New York; 1 edition (March 15, 2001) ISBN 1892941619 “Fidel pudo, sin muchas dificultades, probar su coartada. Hemingway no lo creyó y escribió un cuento, The shot, sobre su amigo muerto, en el que el asesino está inspirado en Fidel Castro.”
Meyers, Jeffrey 1999 Hemingway: A Biography. Da Capo Press; 1 Da Capo edition ISBN 0306808900 "p. 1 Both of Hemingway's grandfathers fought in the Civil War and the family was proud of its military traditions”...p. 20 “After his father's suicide Hemingway—who always portrayed himself as a victim and had to find a scapegoat for all his problems— "
Plimpton, George 1977 Shadow box. G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Reese, James 2003 (accessed 10-31-06) Publishers synopsis of Hemingway House in Cuba: Finca Vigia- Fictionwise eBook
Rodríguez García, José A. 1905 (accessed 12-3-06) Croquis histórico. Mauricio Casanova, Habana,M1 p. 12 “... queriendo antes morir que caer en manos de sus enemigos, como hizo el general Calixto García (el cual fué maravilla quo no quedara en el sitio,…”
Ros, Enrique 2003 Fidel Castro y El Gatillo Alegre: Sus Años Universitarios (Colección Cuba y Sus Jueces) Ediciones Universal Miami ISBN 1593880065 p. 13 “…El joven (Fidel Castro) que se opone a que se integre el equipo de pelota de la Universidad el mejor jugador por que es negro y la Liga Amateur no le permitiría, entonces, el equipo universitario participar en el campeonato. …” The author discusses the matter in greater length on page 46.
Sanders, Tom 2002 (accessed
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Thomas, Hugh 1977 The Spanish Civil War Harper and Row London revised and enlarged edition ISBN 0060142782 p. 274
University of North Carolina Press 2006 (accessed
Uría, Miguel 2006 Personal communication in phone conversation on 10-27-06), José Adán, a very knowledgeable person on this matter and who is now deceased said in President Grau’s time (1944-1948) that Manolo Castro allowed Hemingway to referee a boxing match old in Palacio de los Deportes.
Vargas Llosa, Álvaro 2005 (accessed 10-30-06) La máquina de matar: El Che Guevara, de agitador comunista a marca capitalista. The
[1] ”something that is conceived in the mind; a thought; idea: He jotted down the conceits of his idle hours.” (accessed
[3] León, 2001
[4] Simon, 2006
[5] e.g. University of North Carolina Press 2006
[6] Millman, Joel, 2006
[7] Díaz Escrich, 2000
[8] La Pipa De Hemingway, 2006
[9] Matos, 2006
[10] Gente Magazine Staff 1958
[11] e.g. Reese, 2003
[12] A “given” among Cuban exiles in
[13] Meyers, 1999 p. 566
[14] Meyers, 1999 pp. 518-519
[15] Sanders, 2002
[16] Joven Club
[17] Ley Fundamental de 1959 (7 de febrero de 1959)
[18] Daley, MS Narrations of War in Cuba M.S. in preparation
[19] e.g. Brudevold-Newman, Ben 2006
[20] “La inviolabilidad del domicilio paso a las paginas de la historia ya que toda y cada una de las residencias eran propiedad del Estado” (Calvo 2002).
[21] Ash, 2006
[22] Here the word marxist in lower case refers to practice and not theory.
[23] This everything includes almost all private property from the magnificent Florentine
[24] Lozano Moreno, 2001
[25] Coca, 2005
[26] e.g. Mascareñas, 2006
[27] Koch, 2005
[28] Hemingway, 1938
[29] Thomas, 1977
[30] Kowalski, (accessed
[31] Spartacus Educational (accessed
[32] Hemingway, 1940
[33] García Márquez, (accessed
[34] Andrew, and Gordievsky, 1990.
[35] Fernandez, 1997
[36] Arrozarena, 2003; Haverty, 2006; and personal observations
[37] Agencia de Noticias Xinhua de China 2006
[38] Sanders, 2002
[39] Arrozarena, 2003
[40] CIA, 1961
[41] Haverty, 2006
[42] Longacre, 2002
[43] Enamorado, 1917
[44] Meyers, 1999 discusses the death of Hemingway senior at length, but I could not find mention of General Thomas Jordan nor General Calixto Garcia, who once served under
[45] Rodríguez García, 1905
[46] e. g. Harper’s Weekly
[47] Bianchi Ross, 2005
[48] Gorry and Stanley, 2004
[50] Meyers, Jeffrey 1999
[51] Hemingway, Ernest 1951
[52] e.g. Gonzalez Echevarria, 1980; Cabrera Infante, 1880-1984; Gatti, 2002
[53] Ros, 2003 p. 198.
[54] Anonymous (accessed
[55] Arencibia, 2005
[56] E.g. Ros, 2003 p. 31.
[57] Solera (2006) states in part: “Manolo Castro himself killed Raul Fernandez Fiallo, Catedratico (Professor) at the
[58] E.g. a Hemingway's short piece --"the Denunciation' (see Hemingway, 1987) very strongly suggests that Hemingway actively participated betraying victims to the dread execution purges of the communist hatchet man Andre Marty.
[59] Time staff 1959
[60] Plimpton, 1977 pp. 143-149.
[61] Vargas Llosa, 2005
[62] Uría, 2006
[63] Koch, 2005
[64] Myer, p. 518-519
[65] Daley to Solera in reference to killings by Manolo Castro, “That helps make my point that Hemingway did not pass moral judgment on his friends. I still think that Hemingway and Castro did not get along; and that Fidel Castro, even if he had been friends with Hemingway would never let mere friendship stand in the way of getting something he wanted. Remember the Stalinist statement, “gratitude is a vice of dogs."(see Stalin cite).
[66] Hemingway 1951
[67] La Pipa De Hemingway, 2006, “Cagon” means one who defecates a great deal, or “big sh..t”.
[68] This description of skin color seems to be a “beard” used to protect the anonymity of the author of these events (Gatti, 2002). This skin color could also be taken as an insult by Fidel Castro citing a baseball conflict at
[69] While supposedly Hemingway did not meet Fidel Castro before (e.g. León, 2001), other reports suggest that Hemingway hated Fidel Castro for killing Manolo Castro who was a long time friend (Gatti, 2002; Uría, 2006). Such hatred suggests that Hemingway, it they had not met at least knew of and recognized Fidel Castro as is described in “The Shot” where Hemingway writes he knew the approaching shooter who was seeking him out as a source of money.
[70] Another allusion de Castro as a base ball pitcher e.g. see Furati, 2003 p.82
[71] In real life Fidel Castro, left
[72] In reality the actual scene apparently was the movie theater e.g. “Cinecito” (Gutiérrez, 2005 )then known as the “Resumen” which was at San Rafael and Consulado and where the Movimiento Socialist Popular (MPS) to which Manolo belonged held meetings (Ros 1963, p. 62); however the murder of Oscar Fernández Caral was, as in the Hemingway story in front of his house (Arencibia, 2005)
[73] According to Ros (pp., 167-170), Manolo Castro was tricked into leaving the theater (of which he was partial owner Solera, 2006) to go outside by a communist believed to have been the “fingerman.” According to some the actual attack was done on foot. First the targeted group was fired at and Manolo and the rest dive to the sidewalk. A few moments pass, Manolo stands up. Then the five “main” assassins fire, killing two as in the Hemingway story. The dead were Manolo and a companion. Fidel Castro appears not to have been directly involved, but Hemingway does not seem to believe it. Fidel Castro is known to have wanted Manolo Castro killed (Ros, 2003, p. 170). However, others state Solera (2006) that the attack was done from vehicles as Hemingway describes it,
[74] This appears to refer to the accusations by Oscar Fernández Caral
[75] The “mains” is almost certainly a direct translation, from Cuban usage, of the Spanish word “principales” meaning authors of the deed.
[76] Arencibia, 2005
[77] Personal observations and readings
Classic Miami Mafia revisionist history. Good for a laff at least.
Castro and his lackeys as well as fellow travelers like "dave" are the true revisionists having taken charge in film and other popular media of repackaging murderous personalities such as "Che" Guevara as heroes when they were nothing but assassins and torturers whose acts of courage went no further than ordering executions by firing squads and delivering the coup de grace to the back of the head of his victims.
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